Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I have a group of friends that meet every Monday at each others houses, we call the meetings Community, with the central theme that if we are truly going to live out lives as Christians, we need to be a community of believers who learn to love others as Christ together, as well as being there for each other.

However, this post isn't about Community. It's about an idea that two guys that attend came up with. We live in a town where homelessness is kind of an in between subject. The town is big enough to have homeless, but doesn't really have an excess of support. Most people who have fallen on hard times will generally find a way to a nearby city that have better programs to help get them back on their feet. It's not that our town neglets anyone in this position, it just hard to find a way to serve a "homeless person" when there really aren't that many around. Now those in our community have been brainstorming for quite a while, trying to figure out ways to serve, without just driving around until we see someone walking in the cold and stopping to help. This approach isn't always affective, and could also at some times could be offending, because not everyone walking needs a helping hand.

That's why I believe this idea my two friends came up with just might work. Most of us who work in town look out the windows throughout the day and notice those who walk, who rides bikes, and who catches rides from others. My friends, who like biking, decided they would start rebuilding bikes, and giving them to people around the community who look like they could use one. We are wanting to get some flyers out showing what they are doing, so that if people know of someone who could use a bike, they could contact my friends, and hook their friend up with a sweet ride.

Right now they are in a very beginners stage, not having many bikes. They are working on getting quit a few from a retired bike shop owner from out of town, as well as donations for buying parts, riding equipment, locks, etc. That's where you come in. Do you know anyone who rides, that might get new equipment every six months? Maybe you have a bike but live somewhere where it isn't very useful to ride one. Maybe you make enough money that buying a bike for someone wouldn't really hurt your wallet.

Let me know anyway you can help, my email is communityinchrist@live.com. Tweet the link to this site, email it to your friends.

As a community we can do something. I really believe we will.

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